Sworn translation is a translation, which is made by a translator, who was authorised therefor by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova. Translation is certified by the signature and seal of the sworn translator, and also by the seal of the translation office, i.e., a legal entity that is held liable, together with the translator, for the quality and accuracy of translations made.
When is there a need for a sworn translation, and what do sworn translations differ by, from notarised translations?

In both events, translation is made by a sworn translator. One may ask for a sworn translation in the following cases:
- The establishment, which this translation is submitted to, does not require to notarise translations. In this event, the source document may be from such categories as certificates of vital records, medical excerpts, judicial documents, and so on.
- The source document does not meet the required conditions for notarisation thereof (please, see the section of notarised translations), while the establishment, which this translation is provided to, accepts a sworn translation that fully reflects the information from the source text
A sworn translation is more of informative nature, but it is necessary for the requesting establishment in order to get familiarised with the contents of the source document, before taking that or another decision.
As a rule, such translations are requested by commercial banks from our country in order to decide on granting the credits as based on employment agreements and other documents of those applicants, who work abroad.
- Besides this, sworn translations may be requested by health establishments from the Republic of Moldova or abroad, in order to examine a medical record, which was received from/into another country.
- Sworn translations are also accepted by the courts, since all the documents, which are submitted to the courts, must be provided in the Romanian language.
In other words, a sworn translation differs from a notarised translation only by the fact that the former was not subject to the procedure of certification thereof by a notary. On the one hand, thus, you save your time, while, on the other hand, you save your money too, because Biroudetraduceri.com Translation Office does not charge any extra fees for certification of translations.
Before the sworn translation is signed, an inscription is added thereto, in the language of the relevant translation. According to such an inscription, the translation from the [source] language into the [target] language was made by [first name and last name of the sworn translator, number of his/her authorisation and date of issue thereof by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova], at the Translation Office Politradprof LLC, located in 49/4 Tighina Street, Chisinau Municipality, Republic of Moldova, telephone (+373)22 54-64-07.
As a rule, a sworn translation is sewn to the original or to the copy of the source document. If needed, such a set may be scanned and sent online.
The price of a sworn translation depends on the document type: whether it is a standardised or specialised document; it also depends on the source language and on the target language, on the volume and specificity of terminology in the source text, on the promptness of translation, and so on. The number of characters, with spaces (i.e., letters, punctuation marks), is used as a benchmark. 1,800 characters make a conventional page. The characters are counted by an operator, using the personal computer, when the requested document is provided for translation, either personally, or online. The coefficients are applied to the basic price, depending on the above elements, as well as depending on the client’s loyalty to Biroudetraduceri.com Translation Office.
! The final calculated price is negotiated with the client. The translation is started only after the price and time frames of translation are accepted.